Homework Week 2

Map one structure to another

  : List { name : String, email : String, phone_number : String}
  -> List { name : String, email : String}
convert = Debug.todo ""
> convert [{name="John", email="john@gmail.com", phone_number="+3801234567"}]
[{name="John", email="john@gmail.com"}]

Filter elements with non-empty name and email

  : List { name : Maybe String, email : Maybe String} 
  -> List { name : String, email : String} 
convert02 = Debug.todo ""
> convert02 [{name=Just "John", email=Just "john@gmail.com"}]
[{name="John", email="john@gmail.com"}]

Fill in missing emails with <unspecified>, while removing elements with no name

  : List { name : Maybe String, email : Maybe String} 
  -> List { name : String, email : String} 
convert03 = Debug.todo ""
> convert03 [{name=Just "John", email=Nothing}]
[{name="John", email="<unspecified>"}]

Rewrite bird using <|, then using |> instead of parens (where applicable)

bird : Int
bird =
        notThree x =
            x /= 3

        incr x =
            x + 1
    List.sum (List.filter notThree (List.map incr [ 1, 2, 3 ]))

-- using <|
bird2 = Debug.todo ""

-- using |>
bird3 = Debug.todo ""

Implement setPhone

type alias User = { profile : Profile }
type alias Profile = { address : Address }
type alias Address = { phone : String }

setPhone : String -> User -> User
setPhone = Debug.todo ""

> setPhone "+123456" { profile = { address = { phone = "+654321" } } }
{ profile = { address = { phone = "+123456" } } }


mapMaybes : (a -> Maybe b) -> List a -> List b
mapMaybes = Debug.todo ""

> mapMaybes (\x -> if x == Just 3 then x else Just 4) [Just 1, Nothing, Just 3]
[4,4,3] : List number


catMaybes : List (Maybe a) -> List a
catMaybes = Debug.todo ""

> catMaybes [Just 1, Nothing, Just 3]
[1,3] : List number

Use package elm/url and its Url.Builder.absolute to build URL from parameters

buildStatsUrl : Int -> { startDate : Maybe String, numElems : Maybe Int } -> String
buildStatsUrl itemId ps =
  Debug.todo ""

> buildStatsUrl 12 {startDate=Nothing, numElems=Nothing}
> buildStatsUrl 12 {startDate=Just "2019-01-01", numElems=Nothing}
> buildStatsUrl 12 {startDate=Just "2019-01-01", numElems=Just 10}

See if using catMaybes would help as number of GET-parameters will grow

Temperature converter

Implement “Temperature Converter” from 7GYUs as described in https://eugenkiss.github.io/7guis/tasks

(optional) Eight Queens

Very famous Eight Queens Problem. Please see https://johncrane.gitbooks.io/ninety-nine-elm-problems/content/p/p90.html for details.